Datum | Mentoring | Networking | Training |
13.01.18 | Zeitmanagement Workshop (Kooperationsveranstaltung mit der btS Freiburg) |
18.01.18 |
Local Heroes |
28.02.18 |
Peer Group Counseling |
16.03.18 |
"Effective Leadership: good expertise and best practise" |
13.04.18 |
"What to do with a PhD? (for female scientists)" |
18.04.18 |
"Career Apero - Pharmacist Careers at Roche" |
27.04.18 |
"Effective Leadership: good expertise and best practise" |
04.05. - 05.05.18 |
"Patent, Trademark, Design: Intellectual Property Rights" |
15.05.18 - 16.05.18 |
The Scientific Writing Workshop |
19.06.18 |
Career Dinner |
05.07.-06.07.18 |
Der Business-Auftritt (im Kooperation mit MuT) |
10.07.18 |
Besuch bei Pfizer (im Kooperation mit btS) |
27.07.18 |
Salary Negotiations |
28.07.18 | Individual coaching (mit Claudia Kimich) |
31.07.-03.08.18 |
02.08.18 |
29.-31.08.18 |
Develop your Team-working skills (im Kooperation mit BL-BT) |
19.10.18 | Network Meeting (with mentoring programs from Freiburg). UPD: Lecture CHANGED "Gleichberechtigte Kommunikation auf Augenhöhe - Schlagfertig verhandeln" with Claudia Kimich |
n/a | Highspeed Brain (with Erika Magyarosi). UPD: cancelled and postponed for 2019 |
02.11.18 | Tec4Life Student Summit at Roche (in Cooperation with btS). Agenda can be accessed here. | ||
16.11. - 17.11.18 |
Course in Biostatistics (mit SGBM) |
29.11.18 | Roche: Science careers in regulatory - Christmas opening (18:00 –) (in cooperation with btS) | ||
30.11.18 | Career Evening |