The following programmes were involved in funding kite-mentoring in 2018:
- cluster of excellence "BrainLinks-BrainTools",
- "Spemann Graduate School of Biology and Medicine" (SGBM),
- RTG "Mass and Symmetries after the Discovery of the Higgs Particle at the LHC",
- RTG "Cohomological Methods in Geometry",
- RTG "Transport across and into membranes",
- RTG "Functional Diversity of Cofactors in Enzymes",
- RTG "MeInBio",
- IRTG "Soft Matter Science",
- IRTG "Cold Controlled Ensembles in Physics and Chemistry",
- CRC "Medical Epigenetics",
- CRC "Immune-mediated pathology as a consequence of impaired immune reactions",
- CRC/Transregio "Determinants and Dynamics of Elimination versus Persistence of Hepatitis Viral Infection",
- FOR "Interneuron Synaptic Plasticity ",
- Graduate School of Robotics,
- Faculty of Engineering
- Faculty of Biology.